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Cupping Notes

We meet a lot of people who can’t live without coffee – but not for the reasons you might think

Coffee isn’t just what gets us out of bed in the morning, nor is it just the medicine for Mondayitis (or getting through hump day, or recovery Sunday’s for that matter). Coffee is so much more. It is the lifeblood of communities all around the world, from the hills of Uganda to the suburbs of Brisbane.

We want to share some of these stories – notes really – about the coffee, the people and their lives.

Welcome to ‘Cupping Notes’.

  • Ethically sourced is an approach, not a certification

    We’ve always roasted ethically sourced coffee. It ensures that a wider range of factors is considered including worker’s rights, environmental impact and that farmer’s receive a fair price for their harvest.

    Learn More: Ethically sourced is an approach, not a certification
  • Telma – Trojes, Honduras

    Telma is coffee farmer located in Trojes, Hunduras. She grows coffee, as well as corn, to support her family and to cover her living expenses.

    Learn More: Telma – Trojes, Honduras
  • Ramon – Coto Brus, Costa Rica

    Ramón is 66 years old and lives with his wife on their farm in the Coto Brus district of Costa Rica. He has coffee crops that he sells to support his family, and has ambitions to continue growing both as a person as well as a micro – entrepreneur.

    Learn More: Ramon – Coto Brus, Costa Rica
  • Luis – Liborina, Colombia

    Luis is 53 years old, and has a coffee plantation near the town of Liborina, Colombia. He has worked hard to produce a number of successful crops, which has allowed him to support his family.

    Learn More: Luis – Liborina, Colombia
  • Deborah – Kamwenge, Uganda

    Deborah is 37 years old and lives on her farm in Kemwenge, Uganda. She is a single mother to five children, and in addition to farming she works as a Teacher at the District’s Local Government.

    Learn More: Deborah – Kamwenge, Uganda
  • Karaveri – Kamwenge, Uganda

    Karaveri is 53 years old, and has 10 school aged children. He lives and farms in the Kamwenge district in western Uganda.

    Learn More: Karaveri – Kamwenge, Uganda
  • Annah – Bugangari, Uganda

    Annah is 45 and lives in Bugangari, Uganda. She is a single mother of two school – aged children.

    Learn More: Annah – Bugangari, Uganda
  • Peninah – Kerugoya, Kenya

    Peninah is a hardworking mother from the remote village of Kerugoya in Kenya. She was not able to complete a formal education growing up, but she still enjoys growing coffee and raising livestock for a living. The income generated from her farm has been used to give her children a high – quality education and…

    Learn More: Peninah – Kerugoya, Kenya

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Brew with milk to enjoy the smooth medium body, or accentuate the sweet notes as a long black or espresso.


Cocoa Rogue

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Cocoa Rogue cuts through to be delicious and rich with milk while also delivering layers of flavour black.


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