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Gordon – Utungamo, Uganda

Gordon is 43 years old and is married with six children. Four of his children are currently attending school. His coffee farm is located near the town of Ntungamo in Uganda.

Gordon has been growing coffee for 10 years to help pay for the education of his children. However, he has noticed that changes in the local climate and fluctuations in the price of coffee have created challenges for his farm in recent years.

Gordon has requested a low interest loan in order to help him buy fertilisers to use on his farm. He believes that this will improve the quality and quantity of his yields, thus increasing his earnings and also better his family’s quality of life.

Thanks to our coffee drinkers like Oscar from North Sydney, we were able to contribute to Gordon’s wish through our Kiva account. This has allowed him to purchase and begin using the fertilisers he required.

By drinking Renegade Roasters’ coffee, you’re able to help support coffee growers and their families with every cup. Read more how we do it here!

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